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Leadership Style

The way a leader organises their people is through the style in which they choose; Authoritarian, Participative or Delegative.

Authoritarian leadership is a leadership style in which the leader dictates and controls all decisions in the group and task.
Participative leadership is when employees at all levels are encouraged to contribute ideas towards identifying and setting organizational-goals.
Delegative leadership is a leadership style in which a leader transfers decision making power to one or more employees, but remains responsible for their decisions.

From these 3 different styles I ranked highest in Participative (score 36) followed closely by Delegative (score 34) and finally Authoritarian (score 21). 

These can somewhat show the careers I've already held, the volunteering I've done and my roles in each. My highest scoring styles rely on a high degree of trust in my colleagues, allowing them to follow their own tasks or the tasks I've set for them, and being able to participate enough and lead by example without having to worry about jobs being done. These 2 styles involve autonomous behaviors   and problem solving on all fronts. 

The final style, Authoritarian involves those who need direction and some assistance, which I believe comes with being a manager and having employees work below your rank. With this style the need to tell others what to do and sometimes how to do it is a necessity until it does become autonomous; this shows the "hierarchy" or the employment system.

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